Clarification for opinion


A title was published in the portal “indeksonline” writing “Arrogance of the new Minister of Culture exasperates countries of Quint”, on Thursday the 12 March 2015.

MCYS wants to clarify to the public opinion that the promotion of cultural heritage for us is of great importance. We have closely worked with the Embassy of France and the French Government for the organisation of the exhibition “Gods of Balkans”, which shall be opened in Paris, on 21st of March. In this exhibition, as it is evident, eight craftworks of the era of Neolith that are property of the museum of Kosovo shall be promoted.

We want to clarify that Minister Shala confirmed on time the participation and is going to be present in the opening of the exhibition in question and the French Government has already been notified for this purpose.

We also want to clarify that the decision to change the councils of KCC and KAG was done just on the intention to depoliticise them, as well as, warranty a professional decision-making.

Furthermore, through the new councils the participation of important figures of corresponding fields has been assured along with the representation of the civil society in decision-making.

Also, the allegation that MCYS is neglecting the legal obligations towards the Orthodox Church is not true. Minister Shala is a member of the Commission for Monitoring and Implementation and that the next meeting, respectively the seventeenth, shall take place on 16 March 2015.

MCYS, one more time, expresses its readiness for cooperation with all media of the country and calls on them to be correct, publish accurate and right information, hence, to avoid the misinformation of the opinion.
