Two associations for the collective administration of copyright are licensed for the first time in the Republic of Kosovo.
Today was undertaken a very significant step for the protection of copyright. Two associations for collective administration of copyright, IPAK - for the field of music and VAPIK-for the audio-visual field, have already obtained the license from the Office on Copyright, in order to administer these rights, by negotiating with the users of these rights first.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Mr. Memli Krasniqi, today handed the licenses to the representatives of these associations, Mr. Florent Boshnjaku from APIK and Mr. Blerim Gjoci from VAPIK. He wished them good luck and expressed the conviction that such an example will also be followed by creators of other fields included in copyright.
Minister Krasniqi after the meeting with representatives of these two associations, in the press conference added that licensing of these associations really constitutes an important step for Kosovo, as this is happening for the first time after more than 20 years. "It is probably a delayed step, but I feel good that by a great commitment of the office on copyright and of the respective associations for collective administration, we managed to move things forward. As a result, today are licensed for the first time two associations for the collective administration of copyright.
We will be a hundred per cent committed to pushing this process forward, because it is a need of authors, overall society and it also brings Kosovo closer to European standards, because this field is one of the criteria on our way towards European integration, "said Minister, while announcing other important steps to be undertaken in the future with the aim of best protection of original works.
He was also asked by journalists about the strategy against forgery and piracy. "The strategy is almost completed. We have had several meetings, led by the Office on Copyright and by the valuable assistance of Slovenian experts but also experts from other countries, we believe that not further then during August we will have the strategy ready in order to start its implementation ".
Nevertheless, author themselves enjoyed the licensing mostly. Blerim Gjoci, a film producer, representing VAPIK association that administers the audio-visual rights, said that such a step is indeed historic for him. "I would say that for us this day is truly historic! For the first time after 20 years, this day finally came. I said even earlier that it was needed an iron will to achieve this. I thank every office of this Ministry, the minister in particular, who have always been willing to help us in order to be consolidated as an association ", he said.
Also, Florent Boshnjaku, a composer and the representative from APIK associations that administers rights in the field of music, pointed out that this was not an easy task at all. "I want to thank the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Minister Memli Krasniqi in particular for their work and support. There was not an easy task to reach this far. But the office on copyright carried out a hard work. Fortunately we are enjoying this very significant day for all authors in the field of music while, from today an even greater obligation commences for all of us and we hope to encounter an understanding with music users and for a very short time to be an example in the region, "he stated.