The second sports table for this year was held
Today, the second Sports Roundtable was held, a common platform for meetings of the sports community, which serves to build ideas for the development of the sports field in Kosovo.
In this meeting, the progress made so far was discussed and the priorities for the second half of the year were also emphasized.
While these are the conclusions and achievements that were presented at the end:
Drafting of the State Strategy for Sports
In the framework of the Working Group for Drafting of the State Strategy for Sports, the results of the initial research, on the analysis of the current situation in the field of sports in Kosovo, were presented.
The research so far has classified the following thematic areas: sports governance, sports infrastructure, sports financing, competitive sports, sports coaches, school and university sports, physical activity and citizen recreation. In the upcoming months, the next meetings will be held towards the end of the analysis of the existing situation, the definition and finalization of the objectives, the drafting of the action plan and the approval of the State Sports Strategy in the Government, which is intended to be achieved at the end of this year .
Presentation of the work on Drafting the Concept Document for Sport
Concept Document for Sport is being drafted by a team composed of institutional representatives and a group of external, local and international experts.
As part of the work of the working group, the analysis of the existing legal basis, the initial identification of problems, the analysis of the stakeholders involved in the field of sports were presented. During the following months, further steps will be taken to draft the Concept Document, which is planned to be approved at the end of this year.
Sports Database
At the table, the results of the work of the team engaged in Drafting and Completing the Sports Database were presented, emphasizing the work methodology, comprehensive approach with stakeholders and the preliminary results:
the total number of sports clubs at the country level, the total number of sports clubs according to the Federations of Kosovo, the total number of athletes at the country level, divided by gender, age, the total number of support staff, the level of education of coaches.
The final results of this research are expected to be presented during the month of September.
Administrative Instruction on Licensing of Sports Federations
After the approval of the administrative instruction on licensing of Sports Federations, MCYS has started the process of implementing this instruction.
During this roundtable, the application and licensing procedure of Sports Federations was presented, elaborating in detail the conditions, criteria, mandatory provisions, necessary normative acts, supplementary data that must be fulfilled in the case of applying for licensing.
Licensing is open from 18.07.2022, and is open all year.
Sports Activities for the Year of the Disabled
Within the calendar of the Year of the Disabled, MCYS supports activities from the field of sports through the rich program, which is implemented by the Paralympic Committee of Kosovo. This Committee in close cooperation with the sports federations are undertaking the necessary steps and actions to implement the activities of this calendar.
Participation in international competitions and organization of international competitions in the country.
The Government of Kosovo qualifies sports diplomacy as one of the most powerful weapons we have to promote our country and to reflect the image of the country and the citizens of Kosovo on the international stage. Sports diplomacy will be a bridge of cooperation for future generations, therefore the Government of Kosovo considers sports diplomacy as a very important priority within the Sports Strategy.
Special thanks to all those who were present and contributed to this discussion.