
Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Rexhep Mazreku, visited the Federation of Gymnastics of Kosovo


Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Rexhep Mazreku, has visited today the Federation of Gymnastics of Kosovo, where he was received by the chairman of this federation, Besim Halilajmore

Minister Gashi: The Culture Strategy to include consultations of all actors


Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Kujtim Gashi has met with the working group for the Strategy of Culture, which will be a new comprehensive strategic document on this fieldmore

Vushtrri will have its own modern youth center


The city of Vushtrri will now have its youth center, an investment of MCYS worth 280 thousand Euros. Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Kujtim Gashi took part in the inauguration ceremony of the facilitymore

The Kosovo government approves the concept paper on theaters


Today, at the Government meeting, the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Kujtim Gashi has proposed for adoption the Concept Document on Theaters, a document that initiates the procedure on issuing a new policy regarding the stability and normal functioning of theaters in the municipalities of Kosovomore

Gashi signs the Decision on Approval of Cultural Heritage List for Temporary Protection


Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) Kujtim Gashi has signed the Decision on the approval of the Cultural Heritage List for Temporary Protection with 1595 assets, which will be subject to the measures and the protection regime under the Law on Cultural Heritagemore


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