For the first time MCYS renovates 11 football stadiums, in a value of over 1 million and 100 thousand Euros


In a press conference, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Mr. Memli Krasniqi said that this is one of the best news for the whole sports community in Kosovo and from now the conditions of sports grounds will dramatically change and youth will have more space for expressing their talent. Moreover, he added, the Republic of Kosovo is establishing the necessary conditions for the development of the international friendship matches, now that FIFA has allowed friendship matches for the national team and Kosovo teams.

“Capital investments in sport are our top priority this year and there will be really dramatic changes, especially when taking into account that such million worth investments are carried out for the first time in the Republic of Kosovo, in the last 20 years. These investments are as a result of a continues increase of the sports budget and including also the review of the budget in June of this year, the budget of MCYS for sports infrastructure is increased for over 1 million Euros”, said minister Krasniqi, while stating that this year our focus have been on stadiums where Super League competitions are developed. “This is achieved in cooperation with Federation and Municipalities and of course in the next following year with such cooperation, we will continue investments in other stadiums as well”, he said. Minister added that except these direct investments of MCYS in stadiums, it is expected the beginning of the construction of six subsidiary football stadiums very soon, a donation 3, 5 million Euros worth by the European Committee. He said that Kosovo will also have a national stadium, but in order to achieve this, there will be a proper coordination with all relevant sports institutions, central and local Government.

In his speech, Minister also said that the Law on sponsorship and donation will be ready very soon, so there will be possibilities and facilities provided to private sector in order to invest in sport.
Except infrastructure, Minister Krasniqi said that MCYS will continue to support Federations in other engagements as well, such as in the organisation of competitions, camping, the international presentations and any other national engagement.


500 thousand Euros will be invested for the renovation of the Olympic Stadium “Adem Jashari” in Mitrovica. Minister said that this stadium and the stadium of Prishtina have the most approximate parameters to fulfil the conditions for the development of the international matches. “I would like to say that we have planned to carry out the entire renovation of this stadium but this is only the first phase of works. We expect to continue the renovation in the next year as well, until making it really complete for the international matches”, said minister, while presenting the investments for other stadiums, palaestra and polygons as follows:

Renovation of the City Stadium in Prizren, about 120 thousand Euros planned investment.

Renovation of Stadium “Riza Lushta” in Mitrovica, about 40 thousand Euros investment.

Continuation of the renovation of the City Stadium in Peja, about 60 thousand Euros planned investment

Renovation of stadium in Gjakova, about 45 thousand Euros planned investment.

Renovation of stadiums in Shtime, about 70 thousand Euros planned investment

Renovation of stadium in Kaçanik, about 35 thousand Euros planned investment

Renovation of the City stadium in Skenderaj, about 150 thousand Euros planned investment

Renovation of stadium Flamurtari in Prishtinë, about 30 thousand euro planned investment

Renovation of stadium in Fushë Kosovë, about 30 thousand Euros planned investment.

Renovation of the club stadium Hysi in Podujevë, about 35 thousand Euros planned investment.
Except the renovation of stadiums, MCYS has also added investments in the renovation of sports palaestra. With the aim of making the Palestra “1 Tetori “in Prishtina functional, 100 thousand Euros have been allocated to repair the flooring entirely, a co-finance with the Centre of Students.

With an investment of about 20 thousand Euros will partly be renovated the sports palestra in Gjilan, while about 60 thousand Euros will be invested for the palestra in Ferizaj.                                                                                 

By a co-finance with the municipality of Peja will be constructed the modern  Sports Hall in the Gymnasium “Bedri Pejani” in Pejë, in a value of about  450 thousand Euros, by 60 %  investment of the MCYS.

In compliance with the objectives of MCYS for the school sports development, MCYS this year has allocated about 200 thousand Euros for the construction and renovation of sports polygons in several villages of different municipalities of Kosovo. The beneficiaries will be the following:

Village Novosellë, Municipality of  Peja;  Village Cernicë, Municipality of Gjilanit;  Village Polluzhë, Municipality of Drenas;   Village Oshlan, Municipality of Vushtrri;   Village Veriq, Municipality of Istog;  Village Broliq, Municipality of  Peja;  Village Smolicë, Municipality of Gjakova;   Village Prelez, Municipality of Ferizaj and Village Qubrel, Municipality of  Skenderaj.

This year has also begun the construction of the Multifunctional Centre in Mitrovicë, a project that is co-financed by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the European Committee, and the investments are about 22 million Euros worth. MCYS has allocated 8.5 million Euros for the project. 4 million Euros have been allocated this year, while the other part will be allocated in the next following year. The European Committee will finance the other part of the amount.
